The Gov. Peter Shumlin of Vermont hates cherry trees and the Constitution!

I just read this on a blog by Terri Hallenbeck Burlingtonfreepress.Com

“It baffles me that anyone would want to live in Washington, D.C.,” Gov. Peter Shumlin 

Well Governor!  People love to live here for a number of reasons some of which are patriotic- DC is your Nation's Capitol; others live here because a generation or more of their family is from here, I believe they call that roots; and still a vast majority came here because of a higher calling.  Inside these 10 Square miles* is some of the most dedicated public servants in the world.  
Sure there all those crappy Congressman that don't pay rent and way too many lobbyist plus the beltway bandits. 
However, I believe those folks don't really live inside the District. If so they don't register or become active politically. So when you say want to live here I get confessed.   Clearly you are confused between the role, place and position of FederalCity.US and the District of Columbia.   I would think that someone from the State of Vermont that takes it's independent as a source of state pride would recognize the struggle that we the citizens of the District of Columbia face just seeking our 1 voice in congress.  

Did you know the Federal overlords tinker around with the rule and law of this District like it's some kind of game.  They give and take rights from citizens of the same nation that you live in and I have to ask. ...... If the Feds or one Congressman from another state swooped in and stole rights from the citizens of your state what would you do.  Right now you and your blind comments about why someone would live here just further undermined our effort to FreeDC and gain rights you take for granted.

 Governor if you believe in the Constitution of the United States of American you are on notice that you have to stand up and act like a real American and support the people of New Columbia. 

*I know it's really 64. 


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