Who wants to Electron Date, I suggest it may save your life.

Silicon (pronounced /ˈsɪlɨkən/ SIL-ə-kən or /ˈsɪlɨkɒn/ SIL-ə-konLatinsilicium) is the most common metalloid. It is achemical element, which has the symbol Si and atomic number 14. A tetravalent metalloid, silicon is less reactive than its chemical analog carbon.
Silicon is the eighth most common element in the universe by mass, but silicon very rarely occurs as the pure free element in nature. It is more widely distributed in dusts, sands, planetoids and planets as various forms of silicon dioxide (silica) or silicates. In Earth's crust, silicon is the second most abundant element after oxygen, making up 25.7% of the crust by mass According to Wikipedia  

I have heard read and thought about the concept of moving from a carbon based energy to silicon and from the esoteric community that we are literally moving from carbon based to silicon.  This is part of the process that we are to undergo when we have those extra  strangs of DNA activated.    For many we are in a transfere of life from: Carbon to Silicon, 3D to 5 D plus,   2 strands to 3-12 strands, *.*

The thing about Silicon is that it has this need to be more then the sum of it's parts and it borrows from some of it's neighbors in what I like to say is an electron date. and it seems to be working because we all bring home sand from the beach.  It is attractive* and it is the key to our evolution. 

For this blog lets just say there are a number of issues that are cycling together that is are going to cause all present on earth to have to learn to share resource and if it takes disasters then that is what we'll get until we stop and do something different. .

For many that are aware of the earth changes this is no surprise.  Now if you just noticing that the weather all Wacky and storms are this and that with extra umph: This is more of a new FLASH.and you many be scrambling around seekin information or resources to be preprepared for all hazards and here is where you find yourself. 

Either way the fact remains that we have to be like Silicon and share our strengths and buttress or weakness so that as many we weather the storms what ever they be.  We are sailin in uncharted waters, save the shinnyones and maya.     

So in the end if we don't electron date aka share resources we get no where.   



  1. great blog you have here thanks 4 following on twitter the idea girl



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