America is Freedom - Poem by Nelson Jacobsen

We awoke to a live bad movie on TV and then the scream, and other one just hit!
I was getting my first cup of joe. What was that and how did it happen? Is anyone
alright? Back in front of the screen the whole family staring then crying at the scenes
and calls from loved ones is everyone alright? What...WHY?

A plane just flew by and crashed more killed neighbors, friends and loved ones in the
blink of a wicked eyes We are just getting partial comprehension and learn yet another
plane is falling from the sky, This one yanked from their plan by the same people that
they tried to overtake.

Thank You, Thank You, so many lives saved and so many have been made angels by
acts --So brave. We take resolve as we learn of these feats all beyond comprehension,
many a hero before victim.  The lives, the families, the total impact; They were just used
to execute a terrible plan and having us being lingering victims. Do they have God?

Mine is calling me to sing out to the families and to the spirits of the lives that have
soared back to the eternal home. Spirits singing back to us we can hear them by the
triumphs of the lives saved and of the lives that are now changed forever. We join them,
all singing GOD BLESS AMERICA the land that we love.

Their plan was bad from the start done with more evil than thought. Fore had they,
they would have known that the best part of that it is a choice. They did not
give us one with this act of madness; Yet we did not bend, even though our hearts are
filled with sadmadness. Did they figure that into this sick plan?

Our choice is to help, dig, donate, bake and make the hard choices cowards like they
never could make. This is bigger than them, and their biggest mistake was
underestimating the resolve of people when their freedom is at stake.
America is freedom and we choose to always see it this way giving us something that
cannot be taken away!

Poem by Nelson R. Jacobsen. Published 9/11/2003


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