Look up, get up and never give up in 2015

So now that that year of, at least Chinese believe, the Horse is behind us Americans. and now 2015, an 8 year, is upon our door step I'm looking forward to it.  And! it appears that part of looking forward is still looking back.  For example one of the theme now offered for a very young skewing audience Tumblr offer a Cassettes for a template. Or the fact that there is a Cassette Store Day, much like Record Store Day or it's predecessor VinylRecordDay.com

The point of this being don't be surprised to find that something that you didn't know or presumed to cease to have existed might not be the case.

It has to start to dawn on people that much of what we do is what we believe is happening, if we don't believe music is important and that going to a coffee shop and buying water poured over beans is important to do...Let's not get in the heath of doing one verses the other, it's what we, especially kids believe is important.   Now that we've come to this point of what we believe is the governing agency of our particles.

There is just two energies that we can deal with Electrical and Magnetic that can change our Atoms. Changing it is is the Stark Effect or the Zeeman Effect which is the reverse .  Learning that we need to hack our-selves  and stop others from doing so as well.

Nothing else matters until the mind of the individual comprehends it's role as the governor of the energy field. It's time for us to unit into some common bonding themes that move us all together instead of finding ways to separate yourself.  Since we now know for recent experiment's that Entanglement exists.

Meaning from the center of the universe till today we're connected since the size of the universe was about the size of a pea. The same as the size of our pituitary gland which for many is the entry point into the Matrix, health and the Spiritual World. So!  lets Co-create some great things this year and make it a point to be present in what we're doing even if it's nothing with your honey.

BTW 2015 is the Year of the Goat.   Glad I'm a Capricorn.

Here's another link to how we're all connected. http://truththeory.com/2014/08/14/28640/


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