Yeah I'm going to talk about SPACEWEATHER and it's impact here on Earth.

Solar Super Storm from

So I've seen this headline on more than a few of my friends social media time lines and I wanted to point out that there is a direct correlation between Space Weather and what happens here on Earth. While this Coronal Mass Emission CME may have missed Earth directly there were still several very severe events on leading upto and on this day impacting earth.

I've found a great site that has for each day what is happening on Earth with regards to disasters and I pretty sure when you take Space Weather related events and match them to Earth related disasters there will be a large spike in correspondence between them.

Here is a couple of the reported disaster reported event for July 23, 2012

  1. Flooding in Beijing (Heaviest rainstorm in six decades)
  2. Wildfire in Spain 
  3. Earthquakes 4.8 Uzbekistan 5.2 Papua
  4. More flooding: India, New Zealand, Las Vegas
  5. Tropical Cyclones Vicente Hong Kong with Typhoon warning raised to 8 out of 10
  6. Tornado Smeaton Canada. 
To name a few of the highlights for on for this date
So my point is why this may have missed us it did impact Earth and if this is what happens in a Miss! What is going to happen with a direct hit.  

We know that most areas of the USA will be without electric at the minimum and my question is how is the GOV Fed, State or Local going to respond with they don't have a plan.  

And! That plan my friends is to launch a #PublicServiceCloud that will allow flexibility and at least a chance to mount a recovery effort since the software that our local and other Emergency Management Agencies would be in the cloud and waiting to be called into Action even if their local EMA services are knocked out of commission.  

To learn more please visit  since it's not a matter of if -- it's when. 


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