Over the brink, government has gone (in Yoda voice)

The very government that has one main responsibility as far as it's use for me. - To protect and serve, sure I know there's a ton of opinions that there's a more nefarious government role;  However as a volunteer and professional emergency responder going back 3 decades I've know most in Gov to be fair and standup people often risking their lives or placing large chucks of it on hold to help others and today 800,000 of them not only aren't working for us they just not working at all.

So how we come to it being acceptable to place the life and property at risk for the political folly of few of these so called Teapartiers and the Republican leadership. It's time for all good and reasonable people to take a stand and demand that your elected officials
Change.org Petition to make Congress donate pay to charity.
get back to work since the hazards of life and the role of the Federal government is needed today just as much today as it was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

Please feel free to sign to the Change.org Petition to have Congress Donate their pay to charity during the shutdown.   I really do hope that something this stupid is a pivot point and how we the citizen allow our so called leaders to lead.  Because shutting down and crying like a baby is not leading.


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