Thick Mapping and what's it to you Mappers.

Not sure how it made it across my wire, FB, Twitter, Tumblur, or even email, it just exploded into my mind the moment I saw it. 

Todd Presner will explore some of the emerging tools and platforms in the “spatial humanities” for creating “thick maps” and “thick visualizations” as well as discuss the HyperCities project and his recent book, Thick Mapping in the Digital Humanities (Harvard UP, 2013). I just did today

Thick Mapping,  As I've been involved in CrisisMapping for a number of years the value of mapping as a contextual visualization of a disaster has been a game changer in my book as to how EOP for any or "All Hazards." let alone the educational benefits.

So what is this think mapping  according to Digital Humanities  it's ... 

*.the practices of thick mapping in the Digital Humanities place a primacy on experiential navigation, epistemologies of representation, and the rhetorics of visualization. thus enables an unbounded multiplicity of participatory modes of storytelling and counter-mapping in which users create and delve into cumulative layers of site-specific meaning.
Well think about taking a graphically intense look at an area of the world and then strip away all the data thus detail about a particular hallmark.  Say you want to remove the impact of western thought upon Cuba. With Thick Mapping you could do so and then show an audience the outcome and not just as a static representation it would be spatial and represent events over time. Only this time it would be a different like a new layer was reviewed or tested since it's not static.

 So when I hear these terms based upon what I know about advanced Visualization and it's impact on Mirror Neurons the applications for Thick Mapping start spring to life across many fields of study and look forward to learning more about it.


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