What has 47 years taught me

I would have to say the biggest part of me is that I have learned experience trumps, degrees and that folks are trying their best and that the systems that are in place where not designed for the masses to have wealth and now that the masses are awaking to this fate. They will change the value of what they consider wealth.

If the material was the flow or life book of our sociabilities interaction. And, for as long as any of us have experienced outside trips to remote places on the globe; We are now going to have to make room for a new mind set.   As it turns out we already have one of the greatest economies and society all rapped up into one ~ person.    Yet. we are a collection of trillions of individual cells that for our conscience most part work as a one.

The economy in the body is that one that codifies my theory of Marginal Utility of Public Good as the body doesn't have areas that horde vital elements or building blocks from the society of cells that make the body they all work together to give us this great working, thinking and dreaming machine called human form.  So it seems we do only need to look from within to figure without.

I have a principle that I ad hear too when looking at something new (or aleast considered by the presenter as new or new to me) and that is~ Do I see it mirrored in nature.  
If the system, plan or good substituted is not metaphorical based upon naturally reoccurring instance it give me great pause. In my personal life I will go back a few step and try to reassembly the thing/event so that it does or comes closer too to reflection of nature. Because the flow that I seek to achieve is one of greater public good and the only way I can do more is to experience life with others working from the same base.

With extreme hopefulness I can see the day where most of us are experiencing ourselves at the benefit of others not deficit and once money/material rewards are removed the path is clear, easy and smells of flowers and looks like clears sky's ahead. 


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