
Showing posts from February, 2011

Socialmedia experts, wait just another 4 years or 6,552 hours

I am invoking the 10 Year Rule on this whole Socialmedia  Expert thingy (webpreneurs too) United across all fields of study is the agreement that expertise is both explicit and implicit and the latter is well considered to take some time.  As it turns out according to William Chase and Herbert Simon it's 10 years. They made this statement after studying chess players. ( click here for reasonable explanation as to why chess masters) as subject matter for what it takes to be considered expert minds.  In his book OUTLIERS Malcom Gladwell broke it down to 10,000 hours which if you think about is about at 5.5 hours of it a day everyday. . Funny one of last nites Grammy nominated, presenters said that they were humble and willing to wait since 1 of the bands nominated for best new band had been around for 10 years.     So lets look at Socialmedia.  For most this has been around for a very short time in fact so short that in 2006 I put up ...

What has 47 years taught me

I would have to say the biggest part of me is that I have learned experience trumps, degrees and that folks are trying their best and that the systems that are in place where not designed for the masses to have wealth and now that the masses are awaking to this fate. They will change the value of what they consider wealth. If the material was the flow or life book of our sociabilities interaction. And, for as long as any of us have experienced outside trips to remote places on the globe; We are now going to have to make room for a new mind set.   As it turns out we already have one of the greatest economies and society all rapped up into one ~ person.    Yet. we are a collection of trillions of individual cells that for our conscience most part work as a one. The economy in the body is that one that codifies my theory of Marginal Utility of Public Good as the body doesn't have areas that horde vital elements or buildin...