In DC Asst Police Chief Groomes did her job IMHO

Assistant Police Chief Diane Groomes is facing allegation of a testing improprieties and is presently on administrative leave  and from the details emerging like these from the Washington Post I have to say it's time to lay this to rest.

"*.council member Phil Mendelson (D-At Large) said Groomes is alleged to have given out answers to a time-consuming, open-book exam that tested top commanders on homeland security and other intelligence issues*".
Now to the average person reading this or hearing about in the media or public discourse is going to think WOW this is a big deal.... Well, let me tell you it is not a big deal and it happens all the time. If everyone that took one of these tests where honest they would come out and say ~this is not fair and lets get on with the needs of the ctizens and the District gov. it would cease to be an issue. 

Personally, I have been able over the last few years to take a number of classes and receive training that would allow me to run a Multi State-Agency-Incident.  I have even qualified to attend the prestigious New Mexico Tech for further classes. And, other then physical tests and basic entry level classes just about everyone thing else is open book and often done in a cooperative environment for good reason.

Now here is where myself and many others in the field putting their life on the line will differ from those that are saying that these test are required and need to be such and such.  I have not yet been involved in any accident, event or emergency where the folks running the response & recovery and are not going to be interacting and discussing how to recover or resolve a particular situation.

I guess for many of us that have been active in doing the response and recovery the test are made up by folks that have a business model to give test. The actually test is a 2 dimensional tool in a 5 dimensional world and Asst. Chief Groomes and those folks sitting in there taking the test are responsible to us the Citizens not the Test.
Please keep this in mind when you are watching a situation unfold either before you eye or in the media and ask yourself! Do you want someone with a experience responding to events on the ground? 
Because no test can offer experience and it has been my personal experience that way to many officials totally fall apart in the middle of an emergency. So in the end  I think on this one it's best to leave it alone and get on back to work we need her in the field now more then ever Trust me on this

btw I have never met her and even if I had the facts about these tests are what they are~ an open book.


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