Socialmedia experts, wait just another 4 years or 6,552 hours

I am invoking the 10 Year Rule on this whole Socialmedia  Expert thingy (webpreneurs too)

United across all fields of study is the agreement that expertise is both explicit and implicit and the latter is well considered to take some time.  As it turns out according to William Chase and Herbert Simon it's 10 years. They made this statement after studying chess players. (click here for reasonable explanation as to why chess masters) as subject matter for what it takes to be considered expert minds.  In his book OUTLIERS Malcom Gladwell broke it down to 10,000 hours which if you think about is about at 5.5 hours of it a day everyday. .
Funny one of last nites Grammy nominated, presenters said that they were humble and willing to wait since 1 of the bands nominated for best new band had been around for 10 years.    
So lets look at Socialmedia.  For most this has been around for a very short time in fact so short that in 2006 I put up a Facebook & YouTube account for a political campaign in a major market and when the campaign manager found out.  I had to take it down and the reason being it didn't look like one of the topline production companies made it too citizenry.

That was only 5.5 years ago and for someone to be considered an expert by criteria  I thinks makes sense~ they would have to doing this at least since 2000 which we know Socialmedia didn't exist then.   I don't know about you, I have been online for many years (I still have the same email address from May of 1995) and I would be hard pressed to say that I am a social media expert since these tools are so new.

So please when you are considering the implication to yourself, your business or organization it would be wise to consider the following:

"Althought there have, of course, been some exceptions to the 10-year rule (it seems to take somewhat less time to develop expertise in writing poetry than in performing heart surgery),the point is that it takes may years of practice to internalize skills in a particular domain of work to the point that they are represented in the implicit knowledge base. Once you have assimilated the complex level of knowledge that constitutes expertise, you are in a position to begin to develop your own style and produce innovations that will rock your field."

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